Appiah-Mensah, Seth. "AU's Critical Assignment in Darfur Challenges and Constraints." African Security Review (2005). 01 Oct. 2007 <>.
Barker, Alec. "Between Conscience and Self-Interest: the United States, Sudan and Darfur." BC Journal of International Affairs 09 (2006). 01 Oct. 2007 <>.
Booker, Salih, and Ann-Louise Colgan. "Genocide in Darfur." The Nation 12 July 2004. 01 Oct. 2007 <>.
Dagne, Ted. Sudan: the Crisis in Darfur. Congress. CRS Web, 2004. 05 Oct. 2007
"The Darfur Conflict: Crimes Against Humanity in Sudan." Crimes of War Project (2004). 02 Oct. 2007 <>.
List of Sources-
AU’S Critical Assignment in Darfur Challenges and constraints-
The Darfur Conflict: Crimes Against Humanity in Sudan-
Genocide in Darfur-
Between Conscience and Self-Interest:The United States, Sudan and Darfur-
This last article is from the BC Journal of International Affairs. The article focuses on the genocide that is currently happening in Darfur, the western region in Sudan. It's main focus though, is the reasons why the United States and the United Nations have been hesitant to intervene. His first point, and even though it is depressing to think it to be the case, yet there seems to be no other clear reason, is that there is no political and economical interests in Sudan. Even though the situation has been universally labeled genocide, which means that foreign powers must intervene under the Genocide Convention passed in 1948, and the promise after the Rwandan genocide in 1994 that it would never happen again. So far the west has substantially underfunded the African Union, making it impossible for them to achieve any sort of success. No troops have been deployed either, with people like Bush oping for a diplomatic solution instead. The problem is that diplomatic solutions have been attempted, none have worked and hundreds of thousands of civilians are being slaughtered while they puruse these meaningless solutions.
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